In response to the persistent ethnic-based conflicts in Ethiopia and the government’s support for ethnic politics, a new proposal is being introduced to establish an ethnic quota system in the public service at both the Federal and city administration levels. This move comes as a response to the need for more diversity and inclusion in the public service sector, aiming to create an administration that reflects the diverse composition of the Ethiopian population.

The amendment to the existing public service Proclamation 1064/2010 is currently under discussion at the House of People’s representatives. While the exact extent to which meritocracy will be compromised remains to be seen, the amendment is driven by the need to address the ethnic imbalance among public servants. Additionally, considerations for disability and gender inclusion have also been cited as reasons for amending the legislation.

Critics have raised concerns that the amendment may be a political tactic to exclude certain ethnic groups, particularly the ethnic Amharas, from public service roles. The introduction of exams to test experienced public servants in Addis Ababa has exacerbated these concerns, as it seems to be a targeted effort to remove specific groups from government positions.

The implementation of this ethnic-based amendment has also raised concerns about the potential for political interference in the public service sector. The Ethiopian Ombudsman, Endale Haile, has emphasized the importance of maintaining the core values of public service, such as ethics, neutrality, and professional competence, rather than solely focusing on ethnic composition. He warns that prioritizing ethnicity in public service recruitment could lead to wider political interventions and disputes.

Overall, the introduction of an ethnic quota system in the public service in Ethiopia is a reflection of the country’s ongoing struggle with ethnic diversity and political representation. Balancing the need for inclusivity with the maintenance of core values in public service will be crucial for the success of this new legislation.


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